We find you amazing employees that cost 80% less than US equivalents. We’re a headhunter agency for finding top overseas talent for your company.
Our Core Values
Delivering excellent service and continuously raising the bar for performance.
Our commitment to providing world-class service is reflected in our meticulous vetting process, the quality of talent we produce, and the level of efficiency our clients enjoy.
By holding ourselves up to the highest level of quality and service, we lead by example and shape the future of remote work.
We are committed to creating and providing opportunities for everyone — our clients, candidates, and employees.
Whether it’s access to affordable global talent or providing fulfilling jobs to people, remote work presents opportunities that were otherwise deemed impossible.
We have experienced the benefits of remote work firsthand — and we want to share these opportunities with as many people as possible.
Creating an environment of mutual respect, trust, and honesty to become strategic growth partners to both the companies and talent we serve.
We believe in giving our all to everything we do. Our goal is to offer comfort and confidence by providing unwavering support, driven by passion and empathy.
Each person adds something unique. We are stronger and better together, in an inclusive environment, where everyone can feel valued and respected.